Quick Update

Hello again! It's been a while since I last chatted to you so I thought I'd give you a quick update. Drum roll please.....


Exciting right?
This year my school is putting on The Addams Family Musical and I am the director. Oh boy is it stressful. I remember my first show, "Oh My Disney". The S6 running it was always on edge and dashing about concerned about this, that, or the other thing. I distinctly remember thinking "why doesn't he just do this or that". Well now I know why and I understand why he was so stressed all the time. Finding cast and getting rehearsal times is DIFFICULT. However, my stress is more than his was because of a few small things. This year the show has been bought in...for £600 aaannnnnnddddd we only have six months to put it together instead of the normal year we have.

I've never been a director before. I have no idea what I'm doing. We are stuck in a very short time frame. And I've spent £600 of the school's money. Great.

On top of this all of my subjects (advanced chemistry, advanced biology, and higher history - which I'm crashing - are starting to yell at us about projects and assignments, so there's that. 

Basically I'm stressed.

On the other hand I have discovered a new way to relax, rekindle an old love, and research the show. Carrie Hope Fletcher! I've recently got back into watching her videos, particularly her "Watch Me, Wednesday" videos from when she played Wednesday Addams in the West End production of The Addams Family.(Carrie's Page)

In other theatre news I went to see SIX the Musical with my friend and my sister has just booked The Lion King for us to go and see. I'm through the roof, honestly. 

SIX was incredible! No lie, it blew me away. I've heard all the cast recordings, seen all the mega-six videos online and still I was unprepared for the sheer talent of these powerful women. The message was incredible, their voices were incredible and it was one of the best nights of my life. I cried several times and though at first I was sad that they couldn't come to stage door (it was a 2 show night with only 1 hour between shows) I'm kind of glad they didn't because I would have definitely been crying.

I am looking forward to The Lion King. It is completely different from SIX (which is a pop musical) and I'm really excited to expand my horizons in terms of professional shows I've seen.

So yeah, overall stressed, excited and doing my best!

Signing off,
            ProbablyTrash xx


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